Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Splinters of Sin

Sometimes it's the little things, the smallest things, the things that we can't see for ourselves, that cause us pain.

My husband brought me the tweezers this morning, propped up his foot in front of me, and said, "Do you see anything there? I can't see it, and something hurt me all day yesterday."

I shined my booklight on his foot, and there is was- a tiny, tiny splinter, right in the center, that came out with barely a pull.

He expressed his relief- ahhhhhh- and went on, getting ready for work, to start another day. "Thank you so much- that feels so much better," he said, and was uniformed up and off to work again.

And then I sat down with my Bible and these words came off the page- "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:30

Yes, a splinter's a small thing, but it grieved my sweet spouse all day. It bothered him while he worked. It was on his mind, something invisible to his eye, but annoying to his body.

How "big" does the sin have to be to be a grievance to what the Holy Spirit wants to do in my life? Is a lie big enough? Or a word of gossip disguised as a prayer request? Or maybe I consider an affair, or stealing to be the size of sin that begins to affect me?

I need a light shined on the offense to help me see what it is that is causing me pain, a strong, powerful Light, the Light of the world. And sometimes I need someone else that I trust enough to ask to shine the Light for me, to help me to find and point out the thing that needs to be removed.

And ahhh, the relief when the splinter's gone, the ease of walking again with nothing to hinder me.

Thank you Father, that You love me enough to want me to be splinter free, sin free, hinderance free, grievance free. Shine Your Light on me to show me what needs to be removed, and give me the courage to ask those You've placed in life what they might see that causes me pain because it keeps me from You.

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